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Bilingual Speech Therapy Information

At Trevino Bilingual Consulting & Speech Therapy (TBCST), we have extensive experience providing services to children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.  We understand that there are many myths about raising bilingual children.  This is especially true for bilingual children who have a communication disorder and required therapy.  At TBCST, Yvonne, our bilingual speech-language pathologist, has received extensive training to ensure that she is implementing the most up-to-date and effective treatment techniques and strategies based on current research.  She specializes in assessing and providing bilingual speech therapy for toddlers and school age children using the most current evidence-based approaches and strategies.  A comprehensive bilingual evaluation helps us determine if a child has a communication disorder or if he/she is experiencing differences related to their second language.  If you are concerned about your bilingual child's speech and language skills or literacy skills, contact us and let us help you determine if an evaluation is appropriate.  We do not want to take a wait and see approach, as early intervention is key.  If there is an issue, we want to address it as soon as possible.

Your child may benefit form therapy if they are using a limited number of words in English or Spanish, have trouble understanding/following directions in both languages, they have difficulty learning or expressing themselves in both languages, or they have difficulty interacting with peers.




Exposing infants or toddlers to more than one language will

cause delays in their speech and language development.


Learning 2 languages will confuse your child.


Bilingual children will have academic problems when they start school.


There is no research to support the idea that bilingualism causes language delays.  It is important to understand that developmental milestones are the same across all languages, cultures, and races.


Code mixing is using elements from 2 languages in the same sentence.  This is a normal aspect of bilingual language development and does not mean that they are confused.


Research shows that bilingual children can have academic advantages including superior problem solving skills, multi-tasking skills, and cognitive flexibility.

Kids Using Digital Tablet

Bilingual English-Spanish Language Evaluation and Therapy

Every bilingual family is different in terms of language exposure and usage in the home environment.  It is so important to get accurate information about how much English a child hears and uses and how much Spanish a child hears and uses.  This information is vital in determining what needs to be addressed during an evaluation.   It is so important to assess how the child is using the 2 languages when he/she communicates.  During bilingual speech therapy, we take that information and incorporate both languages into therapy to maximize the child's language development.  Bilingual speech therapy focuses on improving true communication deficits identified during an evaluation.  Bilingual speech therapy does not focus on correcting language patterns that are commonly seen when children speak 2 languages.  During bilingual therapy, it is important to provide rich language models in both languages.  We want to maximize a child's bilingual language development and cultural identity.  


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